Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Breaking Through Brick Walls

by Sharon Eller
1   Create a biography of your family.
2   Look at collateral family lines in addition to your direct family line.
3   Look at cluster genealogy.
4   Look at other possible marriages that may have changed names.
5   Look at possible documents that you have collected and not used.
6   Go to local historical societies where your families lived.
7   Review your notes for ideas.
8   Rethink your question that you are researching, have you gotten away from the research       question?
9   Look at the family line again, is it correct?
10  Start over, do a genealogy "do over." https://genealogydoover.com/
11  Go to 0n line Blogs for help /network .
12  Create a timeline for your brickwall person.
13  Is the name spelled correctly and have you looked at spelling variations?
14  Use Congregationalist/Quaker records or alternative records.
15  Review Cyndi's List for genealogy options.
16  Look at court records such as depositions for family information.
17  Watch U tube videos on how to do genealogy or genealogy tips.
      [Good place to start: https://www.thefhguide.com/ The Family History Guide]
18  Make an educated guess.

1 comment:

  1. These are from our Brickwall workshop at the Cocoa Library yesterday. Sharon led a great discussion.
