Monday, January 11, 2021

Clean Off Your Desk Day

Thomas McEntee tells me that today is Clean Off Your Desk Day. 

HA HA HA! It will take me longer than a day.  

I'm putting it off until tomorrow...and tomorrow and tomorrow.

I realized when I posted about Honore' Leonard for Battle of New Orleans Day that I needed to do more research. I think it's time to do Thomas's Genealogy Do Over. I also need to go through a couple of boxes of print-outs to enter some of the research I've already done. Tomorrow.

Saturday, January 9, 2021

Battle of New Orleans 1815

On January 8, 1815 our ancestor, Honore' Leonard, fought in the Battle of New Orleans. 

Honore' was born on July 2, 1771 in New Orleans, Louisiana, son of Louis Leonard and Marie Anne Dardenne. He married Isobel Crause, also recorded as Elisabeth Kraus, on June 27, 1796. He lived to be 90 years old, dying on November 7, 1861 in Iberville Parish, Louisiana.  He and Elisabeth had nine children. Their last child, Marie Eliza Elisabeth Leonard, born October 14, 1819, is our Great Great Grandmother who married Charles Booksh December 18, 1837. Their son, Samuel Walker Booksh (1853-1930) is our great grandfather.

Image from the Historic New Orleans Collection web page. For more on their exhibit on Andrew Jackson see Historic New Orleans Collection Virtual Exhibit://