Monday, May 30, 2022

Gravestone of Private Walter S. Collins

United States Register of Confederates and 
Civilians Who Died in the North 1861-1865

Today is Memorial Day and today I discovered the gravestone of Walter S. Collins, the older brother of my 2nd Great Grandfather, John Foster Collins. I wasn't even looking for him, just exploring the Collins family information and noticed that he was buried in Elmira, New York in 1865. 

Walter S. Collins was born 29 December 1839 in Missouri, the 5th child of 14 born to Albert Galvin Collins and Permelia Foster. The family had started in Kentucky and migrated west through Missouri. Sometime between 1842 and 1844 they moved to Dallas County, Texas, where John Foster Collins was born. When the Civil War broke out Walter enlisted as a Private in the Texas Cavalry, Company E, Waller's 13th Battalion. He died of disease on 22 March 1865 in a Union Prisoner of War camp and is buried in Woodlawn National Cemetery, Elmira, Chemung County, New York.